
Happy Hour Hangover Patch by PatchMD

Our Happy Hour Hangover Patch is designed to prevent some of the unwanted side effects of drinking so that you look and feel your best the next day.

Despite our concerted efforts to drink responsibly, it’s common to go overboard and end up having a little more than you originally intended to.

Many of us do not even understand the impact such a move can have on our mental and physical health.

Whether it is a glass of wine or something stronger, consuming more than what you can handle can leave you dizzy and in a bad state. Many of us do not realize the mistake until we wake up in the morning with a heavy head.

This is a common problem and we’re here with a solution. While it’s important to be responsible when partying or enjoying yourself, you can’t deny the benefits of a hangover patch, a topical patch made to help you feel better right away so you can start your day feeling fresh and energetic.

Our happy hour hangover patch has great benefits:

  • May help prevent hangovers before they start
  • Contains natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs
  • Use one hangover patch daily (or nightly before bed)
  • No pills to swallow or ineffective tonics
  • Zero calories!
  • Safe, easy, and convenient to use after a big night on the town
  • Win tomorrow by preparing in advance!

What Does Our Happy Hour Patch Do?

The Happy Hour Hangover Prevention Topical Patch helps to minimize the effects of alcohol. It can prevent hangovers before they start.

It contains zero calories and does not need to be swallowed. The patch works to reduce the symptoms of a hangover by balancing the sudden increase of toxins in your body.

Our patch contains no harmful elements and is very safe to use.

What Does the PatchMD Happy Hour Hangover Prevention Patch Contain?

Let’s talk about how our patches work! They contain a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and PMD complex.

They offer high doses of vitamins – C, B1, B2, B6, and B12. These vitamins rebalance your nutrient levels and leave you feeling revitalized.

The unique PMD complex provides additional nutrients that can be beneficial for hangover symptoms, including milk thistle extract, ginger root extract, taurine, pantethine, choline, and prickly pear extract.

Here’s a little more about some of the main components of the PatchMD Hangover Plus:

N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

NAC is a dietary supplement that supports the liver and increases the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant known to reduce the toxicity that causes hangover symptoms.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is very safe to use with no side effects.


Taurine is an amino acid that improves metabolism and increases alertness. It’s also linked to improved health and minimizes the risk of liver damage due to alcohol consumption. It counteracts the fat built up in the liver and is known to help the mind relax after a night out.

According to some reports, it also controls blood sugar levels and keeps the digestive system in check.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a reliable and natural way to fight a hangover. It relieves the stomach and protects the liver against damage by reducing the effect of ‘reactive oxygen species’, damaging molecules that get boosted by alcohol.


Curcumin is called a ‘golden’ hangover cure due to its incredible anti-inflammatory properties. This super herb reduces the physical and mental effects of a hangover while also protecting the body against the toxins released due to alcohol consumption.

It’s said to be good for liver health and is known to work very fast.

Who Is This Patch For?

Our patches are suitable for those who drink on a regular basis.

So, if you know that you have a big night coming up or if you regularly take work clients out for drinks, then a hangover patch may help you recover more quickly and wake up refreshed the next day.

Additional information

Weight 0.0181436948 oz

9 reviews for Happy Hour (Formerly Hangover Patch)

  1. paul

  2. Michael L

    I’m a social drinker and have found that my body does not handle alcohol as well as I’ve gotten older. Sometimes I’ll have slight headaches or sluggishness the day after drinking. These patches are a life saver! I put them on before going out and they stave off my next day symptoms. These things actually work!

  3. Jackie

    I was scepticle but purchased it and it works. I actually took it after the fact and it worked as well.

  4. Jmelynn

    These patches are legit , We?ve used them to party and people are shocked when they wake up feeling fine ! Obsessed 🙂 and thankful for them

  5. Brett Evans

    I don’t drink too often and have found that the older I get the worse are the severity of my hangovers. Now my morning recovery is a different story. I wake up feeling refreshed even after a night of overconsumption. I thought this was the placebo effect, but PatchMD product really works. I can tell when I don’t take it.

  6. Colin

    If you have trouble consuming alcohol without exceeding your natural limitations this may help. I drink on occasion and hangover remedies are a joke, prevention is the only way! I apply the patch 30 minutes or so before my first beverage, stay hydrated during the night (1 glass of water for ever 2 drinks and 1 drink of H2O before bed). I also like the vitamin b12 patches for the day after.

  7. Sandra

    I tried the bytox hangover patches but they are way overpriced in comparison. Go with the PatchMD to save money and get a lot more out of the product. The blend of vitamins nutrients and antioxidants is like an IV drip of goodness without the invasiveness. A+ Rating

  8. Tarah Harper

    Alcohol consumption is not a big thing for me and I used to feel a world of hurt the day after only a couple of drinks. Good thing I found PatchMD. Each patch contains an extensive list of all of the ingredients you would look for in 5-10 pills (which is what I used to do). The last thing I want to do when drinking is swallow a handful of pills so I thank you for making this product. My hangover symptoms included literally the worst splitting headache and even body chills. So glad I can consume a couple of glasses of wine again, thank you!

  9. Anne

    These have saved my life! Lol As I’ve gotten older (mid 30s) my hangovers have gotten soooo much worse, but after trying these, I feel pretty good in the mornings. Highly recommend and way better than having to Remember to take a bunch of multi vitamins and Advil before bed.

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