Iron Plus Topical Patch

(72 customer reviews)
Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $19.95.

Iron Plus Topical Patch


Product Description

Iron Plus contains Iron Bisglycinate, a non-constipating, well-absorbed form of iron. Iron is an essential mineral for healthy red blood cell formation. C, Beta Carotene and Astaxanthin are added for enhanced absorbtion.*


Apply patch daily to an area with little or no hair, i.e., shoulder, back or hip. For best results, it is recommended to wear PatchMD patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit wearing the patch longer than 8 hours. Patches can be worn during sleep. Avoid using any lotion or cream in the same area as it will inhibit absorption. Patch is not waterproof. It is ok to wear multiple patches at a time.

PatchMD products are Latex, Lactose., Gluten and Sugar-free

ALL PATCH ORDERS INCLUDE 30 PATCHES (30-DAY SUPPLY) and 100% Moneyback Guarantee

Iron Plus / Supplement Facts / Ingredients

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Iron Plus Topical Patch Reviews

Additional information

Weight 0.0181436948 oz

72 reviews for Iron Plus Topical Patch

  1. ToVonnia

    I have been using the Iron Plus patch for 3 weeks, and I am loving the fact that I only have to apply them once a day. I was having to take pills twice a day and I would constantly forget to take the second dose with my busy schedule. I don’t feel as tired and I am not complaining of being cold all the time. I have a Dr appointment next month and will be having labs drawn then. I will definitely be continuing with the Iron Plus patches.

  2. Jess H.

    I have leaky gut syndrome from years of overeating and indulging in binge eating sessions. I work closely with a holistic doctor who several years ago suggested trying the PatchMD vitamin patches. At the time I was deficient in many vitamins and minerals, including Iron, B12, B6, B1, B2, Folate, Vitamin D and Zinc. As I result I began using many of the patches. The multivitamin patch and Iron patch worked with proof from blood tests six months later. My levels were within completely normal range. With that came the energy I was used to having as the B12 and Iron deficiency left me depressed, lethargic, lacking motivation, sleepless at times while sleeping all the time at times. I stopped using them for some reason or another and here I am a year later back to feeling how I used to with my nutrient status in similar condition. Despite taking vitamin supplements orally my nutritional status has not remained constant. I am convinced that patches are the way to go. Our skin is incredibly absorption and I read somewhere that 80% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. A patch eliminates the likelihood that the gut will not utilize all of the supplement taken. I ordered the patches today and couldn’t be more thrilled that they are on the way!

  3. Monica G.

    I no longer have to deal with anemia and deficiencies. i use these patches daily on my chest and they are a godsend!

  4. Sara Thompson

    Got it quick, seems easy to apply. We will see if it raises my iron levels( I will update review then)

  5. Linda

    Have trouble with Iron supplements. Thought a patch would avoid the problem since I would not be taking it orally. NOPE absorbs well into your system and causes the exact same side effects.

  6. Sheila Nylund

    This is a great way to get iron without the GI problems. I have had issues for the last few years and these patches have been so helpful.

  7. Heidi Thomason

    As a dietitian, I recommend supplements to my patients every day. As a person who has battled anemia my entire life, I’m SO glad to finally have normal iron. I’ve had to get transfusions, I’ve take supplements for years with only a mild increase in iron and ferritin levels. I even tried liquid iron – that made me so sick. Finally my doctor set up regular infusions. I have been short of breath and fatigued for the last several months. One of the ICU RNs at work told me about PatchMD so I checked it out and ordered 2 months worth.I started using the Iron Plus and the Vitamin D patch. Low and behold, when I went to get my first infusion, they took samples to test and the results showed my iron was NORMAL! My TIBC (total iron binding capacity), was really high before, now it’s NORMAL! My ferritin is still very low (6), but it should come up as my levels normalize. Today I finally felt more energy and I can use the stairs again and not feel short of breath. Thank you PatchMD!

  8. Teal

    The iron in these patches absorbs well ( I did still experience moderate constipation) but I had to discontinue use of these patches after 10 days because of the side effects from the Astaxanthin. I researched the Astaxanthin before I bought the patches and it seems like a good, safe antioxidant. It is, but what I didn’t realize was that it would drastically lower my blood pressure and that it acts on hormones – increasing estrogen and reducing testosterone. As someone already on oral contraceptives, this was a no-no. If you don’y have problems with blood pressure or hormone levels, this patch may work well for you. Because I need the extra iron, I am experimenting with using these once a week. The patch technology really works, I just wish the supplements were more straight forward. What’s wrong with just iron, or iron & B12?

  9. michellesung

    I’ve struggled with heart palpitations for years (PVCs). They would come and go but then had gotten so bad that they would continue on every few beats all throughout the day and night for weeks without stopping. I was having shortness of breath, dizziness, and felt like some days I couldn’t even get off the floor. Went regularly to the cardiologist who tried meds, but it didn’t work and caused some side effects. Docs couldn’t find anything structurally wrong, told me to stay hydrated and manage my stress better. Hmm. I started seeing a Functional Medicine doctor who saw my bloodwork and thought my iron wasn’t dangerously low, but low enough to potentially be causing my symptoms. Tried iron pills, but was having bad GI side effects. She recommended these patches. I’ve been using them for about three months and the PVCs scaled back week by week until they ultimately stopped! I have so much more energy and don’t feel as foggy. Wow. So, get yourself to a Functional Med MD if you have chronic health issues that haven’t been adequately addressed, and if they suggest these patches GET THEM! Thank you, Patch MD!

  10. BethT (verified owner)

    I have been anemic for over 10 years. Been wearing these patches daily for about 4 months now along with the multi-vitamin patches and I just had my labs drawn and I am low NORMAL on iron. I have been super low for so many years I can hardly believe it!! Highly recommend. (I wear them on the bottom of my feet in my high arch, I was told that is optimal absorption).

  11. Melissa Ray (verified owner)

    I’ve tried to donate blood throughout my life and never was able to because iron was too low. Pills never helped. In the past decade, I’ve had neuropathy symptoms that seemed to be linked to iron deficiency, but again, pills and diet never improved the symptoms. Having recently tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, I badly wanted to donate plasma. A month ago, after taking pills for 30 days, I tried to donate and was refused for low iron levels. I went searching for another delivery system, suspecting that my body was failing to absorb the iron through the GI process – and found PatchMD. After 30 days of using the IronPlus patches, on Saturday they found my iron levels to be normal and I donated for the first time in my life! I’ve also had an improvement in my neuropathy symptoms, and hope it continues to improve. Sign me up for a subscription, and HUGE THANKS, PATCHMD! I’m sold, and I’m trying out the B12 Plus and Vitamin C next. These patches really work!!

  12. kishmid (verified owner)

    The iron patches really work. My blood level is increasing with every blood test that I take! I’m so excited. I can’t wait until they are back to normal levels. I’ll be updating my review when my levels are normal.

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